Automatically Display All Ready-to-Pay Bills on the Pay Bills Page


When you are on the Pay Bills screen, do you wish that you didn't have to click the "Apply filter" button to make bills appear in the list below? In the newest release (R2 2020) Intacct released a new setting that when turned on, allows just that!

The setting is a checkbox option that is located in the Accounts Payable Configuration (AP > Setup tab > Configuration) and is called "Automatically display all ready-to-pay bills on the Pay Bills page".

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Setting this option enables you to load all ready-to-pay bills on the Pay Bills page without applying a filter. As a best practice, enable this option if your company has a relatively small amount of bills to load on the Pay Bills page (for example, fewer than 1,000).

For companies with a large amount of bills to pay, you can create filters to shorten the load time for large numbers of bills instead of using this option.